Home Christian News Women Are ‘Disproportionately Hurting’ American Churches, Education and Healthcare, Says Dennis Prager

Women Are ‘Disproportionately Hurting’ American Churches, Education and Healthcare, Says Dennis Prager

The academy is also susceptible, for there, women are “advocating the teaching of woke ideologies in medical schools, placing these ideologies on an equal footing with medical education.”

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Prager also believes that women are responsible for causing Christianity and Judaism to become more progressive, which is “leaving mainstream churches and synagogues increasingly empty.” Moreover, “women are disproportionately supportive of cancel culture, the greatest threat to free speech in American history.”

After laying out a case why women are responsible for numerous societal ills, Prager says, “It should go without saying, but it’s undoubtedly necessary to note that there are many women doing great, even heroic, things for our society, and that many men are working to wreck it.” He then concludes, “But for those who associate women with instinctively protecting children or with being supportive of a traditionally religious life, this era in American history has provided something of a shock.”