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Preach Like a Pro: How to Raise Your Game

5. Hit your go-to guy (aka, Jesus)

Here, the principle is let the superstar on your team do his thing.

As you approach the pulpit, it’s easy to envision Jesus handing the ball to you, patting you on the butt and whispering in your ear, “Go get ’em.”

The exact opposite needs to happen. As you head up to preach, pray to Jesus that he would be your strength, and that he might do his work by his Spirit.

Hand hand the ball off to him.

Bonus: Get a coach

The thing that has helped me grow in my preaching the most is to receive input from other trained preachers. I like to get feedback on my sermon before and after I preach. If I missed anything in my study, I can make adjustments before Sunday. And if I don’t communicate something clearly, that will be pointed out to me.

Is there someone at your church who could give you quality feedback on your sermon? If so, use that person as much as they will let you. You will grow as a preacher immediately.

(If you don’t know anyone who can give you feedback on your sermons, I offer sermon coaching. To learn more, click here.)

Always improving

However you approach growing as a preacher, the bottom line is you must grow.

The biblical preacher is an ever-improving preacher. Paul said as much when he told Timothy, “Practice these things, immerse yourself in them, so that all may see your progress.”