Home Pastors Articles for Pastors Don’t Miss the Power of Focus

Don’t Miss the Power of Focus

To keep me motivated, I set a goal: to triple traffic in the next 12 months. In my mind, that was a huge goal. I had no idea how to accomplish it. I started writing regularly and upgraded a few features on the blog. I thought it would take a year to see that growth.

To my surprise, blog traffic grew by over 400% between October and December alone. Guess what? I’ve picked a new goal for this year.

All I did in all three cases was choose a focus. When a person focuses on something, it tends to expand.

Before you think this is just a self-help or power of positive thinking spiel, it’s something close to God’s heart too.

Jesus told us to seek first his Kingdom and his righteousness. He reminded us to love God with all our heart, all our mind, all our soul and all our strength. Paul urged us to ‘think on such things’.

Some of you may need to start with a shift in your overall focus:

From you to Christ

From dwelling on the negative to focusing on the positive

From suspicion to trust

From bitterness to forgiveness

From fear to courage

What you focus on expands, so you choose. It will make a difference.

Now, a final word for leaders.

And as a leader, you need to choose a focus and get moving. I believe if a leader focuses on 2-5 goals in a given year, he or she can make incredible progress. And what you focus on can change the future of your organization.

What would give the greatest benefit to your organization and life if you focused on it? Here’s a list to get you thinking:

Becoming a stronger communicator

Nurturing the health of your team

Developing leaders

Reaching people far from God (because you say it, but you don’t do it)

A tactical goal like your web presence, social media strategy or engagement of guests in the foyer on Sundays

Better work-life balance

I have a few overarching goals for the year and keep my overall focus on them. I have some ministry goals, spiritual goals, family goals and personal goals, and each will receive dedicated focus this year.

And every few months I’ll shift my focus to accomplish a tactical goal and get some stuck things moving, launch new initiatives or help something that’s just good become (hopefully) great.

You’re the leader. And what you focus on expands.

What are you learning about focus? How has focus (or the lack of it) impacted you?