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Do You Lead a Team? You Need to Know These 7 Types of Leaders

We are on a journey of clarifying the vision and determining your unique model. You’ve pulled out the drawing board, written and communicated your vision that is clear, simple and doable, and now it is time to assemble the team who will build the model.

The team must be in complete unity and have absolute clarity of what you are building together. This team is important because they will carry the vision both now and in the future to the many generations that will come after you.

Do you have a team? There are seven types of leaders that we build teams with.

1. Inherited leaders.

These are leaders who are already part of the leadership team over which you assume leadership. They have been doing certain tasks and formed certain concepts of the local church.

It may be hard for them to grasp the new vision you are laying out because they have long served another’s vision.

2. Transplanted leaders.

These are the leaders who might come from a different background, such as a Bible college or another church that differs from your stated theology.

Be sure you know the transplanted leader and know his or her ministry philosophy, basic belief system and integrity.

3. Safe-looking leaders.

Traditional leaders may have excellent character qualities and be sincere in their willingness to work with you.

The problem sometimes is that their root ideas and concepts that, if left unexplored before the person is put into leadership, could threaten the church and be hard to combat.

4. Novice leaders.

These leaders may be well equipped in fundamental knowledge and necessary character, but when the pressures and demands of ministry mount, some are destroyed because they were used too soon. Allow new leaders to function without giving them any authority, position or title, and allow a servant’s heart to develop.

It is important to identify what category your leaders belong to so that you know how to lead them.

We are examining these types because we as vision leaders build teams, and teams are made of individual members with unique personalities and leadership styles. Knowing the different styles of people on our teams helps us lead and relate to each person more effectively.