Home Pastors Articles for Pastors 10 Ways to Pick a Church Fight

10 Ways to Pick a Church Fight

6. Megachurches.

I have not posted a qualitative article on megachurches yet. But I have posted lists of large churches. The mere mention of large churches or megachurches seems to draw strongly opinionated church members.

7. The number of hours a pastor works each week.

Sometimes I am surprised by the intensity of comments on some topics. This topic is one of those.

8. Why people leave a church.

Closely related to number three, some church members express strong opinions on why people leave a church. Most of them have strong opinions on how to close the back door as well.

9. Role of a pastor’s wife.

I am still seeing comments on a couple of posts I did on this topic. Hardly a day passes that someone else doesn’t join the discussion.

10. Perspectives on pastors’ children.

This topic drew many pastors’ kids and former pastors’ kids. The strong emotions were indicative of a lot of hurt and pain that was still present in these current and former PKs.

These are the issues of contention that I have observed.

What are your perspectives?

What would you add?