Home Pastors Articles for Pastors Burnt Out? Overstressed? 8 Principles to Restore Your Overwhelmed Life

Burnt Out? Overstressed? 8 Principles to Restore Your Overwhelmed Life

So, start with this. Throw out every idea you have about schedules and to-do lists. Claire Diaz-Ortiz introduces a scheduling technique called “Scan To Plan.” I recommend it. It goes like this.

After you write everything down (step 2—Empty), find those tasks you need to complete today. Make a to-do list with them. Then find the most important tasks (three at most) and complete them first. Make a separate list for weekly items and monthly items.

Schedules are about vision. And vision is from God. I can’t imagine Jesus having the mindset I used to have when I started the day. “Well, I will just ride the waves of the day and see what happens. Maybe this. Maybe that. Who knows?” No, Jesus was intentional. He had a purpose. You do too. Stepping into your purpose starts with taking control of your day.

ACTION STEP: Make a “to-do list” daily. Find three tasks that are most important and complete those first. Turn your phone on silent. Get rid of anything that will distract you from completing the tasks. Celebrate your successes. And never allow a schedule to enslave you.

O—Omit (throw out insignificant activities)

One reason you (and I) are overwhelmed is you are doing too much. You feel the pressure of culture telling you to get involved in everything and say yes to everyone. But this isn’t God’s plan. Jesus didn’t say yes to everyone. And he didn’t cave in to the pressure of healing or discipling the world.

But here’s the catch. Jesus knew his purpose. And until you have a vision for your life, anything goes. Every task is important. Every request is important. However, once you set the course of your life, with God as your tour guide, you can filter insignificant tasks. This is why you must find your purpose and establish a vision for your life.

ACTION STEP: Step back and look at the big picture. What’s the vision for your life? Find it, and get rid of those activities that don’t lead you toward it.

R—Rest (find space to unplug)

It’s interesting to consider God taking a Sabbath. I mean, what’s he resting for? He’s God. In 24/6, Matthew Sleeth says, “On the seventh day, God makes nothing out of something. Rest is brought into being.” God creates from nothing for six days, then he flips the script on day seven. Why? That’s debatable. But this isn’t. God introduces rest as part of the Creation narrative.

Rest isn’t optional or recommended. Rest is essential for the natural order of God’s creation. When you neglect rest, life gets chaotic. This is why a regular Sabbath is important. This is why sleep is important. Rest is part of God’s design for order and peace. It’s no coincidence that this culture is the most connected in the history of the world but is also the most overwhelmed and stressed.

ACTION STEP: Get a full night’s rest. Practice a regular Sabbath. Weekly. Daily. Find a regular rhythm that works and unplug from social media, work or anything else connecting you.

E—Exercise (get moving)

You know those meatheads who sleep at the gym under a dumbbell? Don’t be one of those. But have a rhythm to your life that includes exercise. Paul even tells Timothy physical training is of some value (1 Timothy 4:8). This seems counterintuitive, but exercise positively affects energy, awareness, focus, mood and health.

I have seen this in my life. Seasons when I am exercising consistently, I have a more positive outlook on life, increased energy levels and greater focus. “But Frank, I don’t have time or money for a gym membership.” Me either. Gym memberships are pricey and don’t give me results (but if you prefer the gym, then do your thing).

You don’t have to go to the gym to exercise. Take a walk. Work in the yard. Ride a bike. Dance. Just get moving. If you want to restore your life, you must exercise.

ACTION STEP: Find some way to get moving. Do it consistently. At least a few times per week. I promise it will have a positive effect on your physical and mental health.

R—Reality (be present in every situation)

If you don’t pay ATTENTION to what has your ATTENTION you will give it more ATTENTION than it deserves.