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Wedding Officiant … How Should a Pastor Determine Whether to Perform a Wedding?

3)  A Non-Christian marrying another Non-Christian

This is the one that many love to debate. All I will say is that if you decide to marry two Non-Christians, I think the biblical warrant comes from Genesis 2 as marriage being an institution of creation in which God is glorified when it is according to his design (one man and one woman), even though it does not fulfill God’s ultimate redemptive purpose (Eph. 5:22-33).

If your conscience allows you to marry two Non-Christians, make sure it is not conducted as a worship service, but simply a ceremony that allows you, a pastor, to join this man and woman together with these witnesses present. This can also be a strategic opportunity to preach the gospel, but I would make that part of the agreement with the bride and groom before committing to marrying them.

OK, there you go. Do not hate. These are simply some general boundries I have used in the past that have helped me discern so many unique case-by-case situations to determine whether my conscience could marry a couple, or if it was even wise to do so.

Just remember, you should not feel forced to do any wedding, regardless the pressure you may be feeling from family or church members. If you have concerns about whether two people should be married, listen to your conscience, allow the Scriptures to guide you, and seek counsel from other pastors who have possibly walked in the same place you dare to tread … an unclear, complicated wedding decision.