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4 Reasons I’ve Stopped Using My iPad for My Personal Bible Study Time

3. Bible mastery comes quicker from a hard copy of the Scriptures.

Because of all the underlining, note-jotting and cross-referencing, the Bible is easier to master. After studying the same Bible for years I can tell you which side of the page many verses are on and what the context is. One of the reasons for this is that I’ve learned to master these verses by turning to them time and time again during my personal devotionals. Unlike an iPad Bible app or online version of Scripture every page of my personal Bible can look unique, almost like it’s own little work of underlined, highlighted, note-scribbled art. It’s this visual, visceral portion of reading from an actual Bible that, so far, can’t be duplicated on an iPad … for me anyway.

4. My evangelism is stronger when my mastery of Scripture (and its mastery of me) is strongest!

I’ve had countless evangelistic conversations with Mormons, Muslims, Jehovah’s Witnesses, atheists and agnostics over the years. Because I’ve been able to get to know the Bible more and more in my personal study time, it’s been easier and easier to engage others evangelistically by knowing and quoting Scriptures. It’s hard to imagine this level of mastery coming from just reading the Bible on an iPad or iPhone.

Having said all this, I’d much rather have somebody reading the Bible from an electronic device than not reading the Bible at all. Technology is a huge blessing and we should use it. But, as for me, I’m going back to the old way of studying the Bible because I think its benefits outweigh its liabilities.

What do you think and why? Hard copy or electronic when it comes to personal Bible study?