Home Ministry Tech Leaders Creating Balance in an Unbalanced Tech World

Creating Balance in an Unbalanced Tech World

There are a lot of smart technologists out there that have some far-more intelligent perspectives on church and technology, one of whom is John Dyer.

In a recent post, John examines social media and both our consumption as well as use of it wisely:

Social media, like fast food, presents us with an unnatural form of the natural. It takes the rough beauty of life and repackages it into something easily digestible. It is quite tasty, and one bit cause no harm.

But over time, continually, repeatedly, exclusively consuming an unbalanced diet of unnatural human connection will cause both our bodies and our souls to rot.

Read the full post for a fuller presentation.


He’s right, you know. Our challenge is not necessarily technology itself but our use and acceptance of it as healthy and beneficial.