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Articles for Small Group Leaders

6 Ways for Church Leaders to Become Effective Delegators

"The definition of delegate is to entrust a task or responsibility to another person."

5 Things Every Small to Mid-Sized Church Struggles With

"When the people who are gifted to lead get to lead, your church gets healthy."

The Under-Appreciated Value of Application in Preaching

The purpose of preaching is to help people become like Jesus.

Hungry for Transformation

"Church leaders, including small-group pastors, are eager to engage in discipleship, but they’re not sure how to make that happen."

5 Ways Your Small Group Ministry Needs to Change … Today

"Does your small group ministry have the design that will work effectively in light of the seismic changes happening in our culture?"

Maximizing the Calendar for Your New Year’s Group Launch

"The New Year is one of the best seasons to launch new groups or relaunch an existing group system."

It Takes a Daring Faith to Pray for Success

"If you want specific answers to prayer, you need to make specific requests."

Help, My Small Groups Are Stuck at 30 Percent

Here are the biggest factors in small groups getting stuck.

Can You Tell If Your Small Group Might Be a Zombie?

"Have you ever thought about what might make a small group a zombie?"

7 Things You Must Do TO and FOR Your Small Group Leaders

"Whatever you want to happen in the lives of the members of your small groups must happen in the lives of your leaders first."

When to “Call” on Individuals in a Small Group Meeting

"Your goal is to promote discussion, not quiz members."

8 Practices of Great Small Group Leaders

"We live in a world driven by techniques. If you have a problem, someone out there has a solution they’re willing to sell you."

5 Stupid Things Small Group Pastors Need to Stop Doing

"The most effective small group pastors learn to say “no” to anything that compromises the objective."

5 Secrets of Building Ministry Momentum

"I also believe that none of these secrets are easy to do. If they were, everyone would have momentum."

5 Questions for Choosing Bible Study Material for Women’s Groups

"We teach to glorify God by equipping the saints for the work of ministry (Eph. 4:11–16)."

5 Things You Need to Know About 21st-Century Small Group Ministry

"Wise leaders will be paying attention as culture changes."

5 Simple Mistakes That Sink Small Group Ministries

"Figuring out why small group ministries fail is not complicated."

The Crack in Your Small-Group Ministry

As group leaders the last thing we want to see is someone missing out on a life-changing, faith-changing opportunity simply because we never followed up with them.

Women in the History of Small Groups

"Priscilla is a good example of a woman teacher. "

Community Matters: The Role of Leadership in Transformational Groups

"The quality and kinds of leaders you have in your community will drastically affect the health of your community."

Rebecca McLaughlin on Whether Christians Can Agree To Disagree About Same-Sex...

Dr. Rebecca McLaughlin joins “The Stetzer ChurchLeaders Podcast” to talk about how church leaders can respond to common arguments that use the Bible to affirm same-sex relationships, the “why” behind God’s design for marriage, and the “beautiful and glorious vision” Christianity has for friendship.

Articles for Small Group Leaders