Home Ministry Tech Leaders Texting in Church: It’s a Good Thing!

Texting in Church: It’s a Good Thing!

How Do You Promote Texting in Church?

Don’t ask attendees to opt in just for giggles. Make sure there is purpose behind your request.

Ask the Pastor to Make an Announcement

Let’s face it. Your pastor is the focal point of attention. Why not have him or her encourage congregation members to join your texting list?

Before the sermon starts, your pastor can ask attendees to take out their phone, and opt-in. Don’t forget to tell them why this communication tactic is important, and how it will benefit them.

Don’t ask attendees to opt in just for giggles. Make sure there is purpose behind your request.

Print Opt-in Details in Your Bulletin

If people are still flipping through your Sunday bulletin, type out opt-in details on the inside page.

Remember, if you push texting as a communication method, and a way to keep members in the loop, you’ll experience much more success.

Share More Info on Social Media

If you have social media pages for your church, make an announcement about your new text communication option. Remember, your goals are to educate, inform and inspire. Make these priorities clear whenever asking people to join your text list.

Church text messaging shouldn’t leave a bad taste in your mouth. Just like any other communication tool, this one helps you stay efficient.

If congregation members are the first to hear about important events, they’re more likely to stay involved. When your pews are packed every Sunday, you can then focus on the more important things.

Text Campaign Best Practices

Make sure all messages either inspire, inform or educate your congregation.

Respect Time of Day

Avoid sending messages before 9 a.m. or after 9 p.m. This may be considered disruptive, which could negatively affect participation.

When Applicable, Segment Your List

Don’t send out women’s small group reminders to your entire list. Sort out applicable subscribers, and message accordingly.

Don’t Break Your Initial Frequency Promise

Let’s say from day one, you vowed to only send six messages per month. Don’t ignore that guideline. Breaking this promise will only result in an unhappy and annoyed congregation.

Outside of these three rules, the sky’s the limit. Get creative with your texting in church as you improve communication with the whole congregation.

Make sure all messages either inspire, inform or educate your congregation, and you’re good to go.