UPDATE: Michigan Hospital Severs Relationship With Christian QB Kirk Cousins Due to Vaccine Stance

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The NFL has mandated COVID vaccines for coaches, scouts, and other team staff but not for players. However, the league is offering incentives to vaccinated players, such as looser COVID protocols and less testing. Now that the highly contagious Delta strain is taking a toll throughout the country, however, all players may soon be tested daily again, regardless of their vaccination status.

Previous Pandemic Comments Sparked Controversy

Last September, Cousins faced backlash for comments he made about COVID-19. While asked on a podcast how he’d rate himself, with “1” being not fearful of the virus and “10” being terrified, the QB said, “About a .000001.”

“I’m gonna go about my daily life,” Cousins explained. “If I get it, I’m gonna ride it out. I’m gonna let nature do its course. Survival-of-the-fittest kind of approach. And just say, if it knocks me out, it knocks me out. I’m going to be okay. You know, even if I die. If I die, I die. I kind of have peace about that.”

After the podcast aired, Cousins backtracked a bit, saying, “While the virus does not give me a great amount of personal fear, there’s still great reason for me to engage in wearing a mask and social distancing and washing my hands … and following protocols … to be respectful and considerate of other people.” He said he meant to convey that he has peace and trusts God “to handle things.”

Pastor Don Cousins: Don’t Be Seduced by the World’s Messaging

Whenever Kirk Cousins makes the news, clips resurface online of his father, a pastor. Don Cousins, who leads Discovery Church in Orlando, Florida, has preached about “The Other Pandemic,” saying lockdowns cause depression, financial ruin, and other serious concerns.

After his son’s “If I die, I die” comments last fall, Don Cousins tweeted, “As his father I would be saddened if Kirk were to speak of fearing Covid and even sadder if he was fearful of dying. ‘For God has not given us a spirit of fear…’ 2 Tim 1:7 ‘perfect love (Gods) drives out fear…’ 1 Jn 4:18. Great answer Kirk!” A few minutes later, he followed up with this tweet: “As his father I would be disappointed if Kirk failed to show proper respect for authority and others, regardless of his own desires. He has chosen to do exactly what God would have him do. Well done Kirk! Proud of you!”

Video of Don Cousins speaking about religious oppression and cancel culture also is going viral. Last September, the pastor gave a message about Satan’s “agenda,” noting, “He controls the institutions of the world to message you and me”—making it “tough to hear the voice of God.”

Among his concerns: “Textbooks are being rewritten,” “culture’s being cancelled,” “statues of people [are] being torn down,” “religion is being silenced,” “prayer’s been banned from schools,” and a “platform” is “unfolding” in pro sports. Don Cousins warned, “If you do not make every effort to hear the voice of God, you will be seduced to believe the messaging of the world.”

Son Kirk said something similar in 2019: “You don’t have to bend over to the ways of the world. You can work and strive to please the Lord and then he will make things work out for you in turn.”

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Stephanie Martin
Stephanie Martin, a freelance writer and editor in Denver, has spent her entire 30-year journalism career in Christian publishing. She loves the Word and words, is a binge reader and grammar nut, and is fanatic (as her family can attest) about Jeopardy! and pro football.

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