Home Outreach Leaders Articles for Outreach & Missions Are You Approaching Burn Out? Check These 4 Signs

Are You Approaching Burn Out? Check These 4 Signs

3. Physical signs

Several doctor friends have told me that intense stress will often manifest itself in your body somehow. From random eye twitches, to neck pain, to something else, stress will impact your body. Listen to your body: you may be approaching burn out.

4. Feeling exhausted

If you are a pastor and you used to feel rested from preaching by Monday afternoon, but now it is Wednesday or later (or never) before you feel rested, you are spiraling into burnout. If you lead a team and you used to feel tired on Thursday evenings from an intense week of leading, but that feeling is settling in earlier and earlier in the week, you are approaching burnout.

When I sense these reappearing in my life, I know it is time to evaluate quickly. I may need to get away for a day, adjust my sleeping, or double-check my eating and exercise routine. I have learned that if I can catch these early, I can address them much more quickly and easily than if I foolishly attempt to push through the approaching burnout. Attempting to push through burnout is poor and stupid self-leadership. Leaders, lead yourself first. You and those you lead will benefit.