Home Outreach Leaders Articles for Outreach & Missions 4 Unintentional Ways Your Purpose Is Getting Hijacked

4 Unintentional Ways Your Purpose Is Getting Hijacked

As we’re reminded in Colossians, we all want to work at whatever we do with all our heart for God. But the odds are, managing an Outlook calendar or calling for quotes to fix the HVAC weren’t part of the plan, and they don’t have to be prominent aspects of your vocation, either.

As a minister or member of a pastoral team, you might find it hard to believe that someone would say there are things you shouldn’t do. But it’s true: There are tasks pulling at your limited bandwidth that you should not have to do. New ways of working, which include fresh approaches to getting work done by using a virtual assistant, can empower you to put more of your energies where you originally envisioned.

At eaHelp, we are committed to ensuring that pastors and leaders like yourself use your energy where it’s most effective by matching you with an incredible virtual assistant who will be the crucial team member you’ve been missing.

Visit our website and request a consult. We would love the opportunity to find out more about your specific needs and how we can help.

Note from Carey:

One of the passion points I have is freeing up leaders to do what they’re best at. I just want to see leaders and the local church win.

Without a doubt, the MAIN reasons I can get everything I get done, done (other than the grace of God) is that I have been blessed with amazing assistants. 

My current assistant is provided via eaHELP and it’s an absolute life-line for my work and productivity. I’ve also had a fantastic assistant for the last seven years who’s currently on maternity leave.

Here’s an interview with her. If you ever wondered if a great assistant can make a difference, listen in to Episode 90 of my podcast. We share our best productivity secrets.

In the meantime, what other things do you find hijacking your purpose? What are you doing about it?