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Has Self-Obsession Hurt Your Marriage?

That broken something is us. We are self-centered creatures who have bought into a lie, and we have to stop thinking that people are going to treat us as perfectly when they will not.

We must acknowledge our selfishness and stop trying to “fix it” on our own. We must surrender ourselves to God first and allow His Spirit to transform our hearts.

As we saw earlier Millennials are the least likely group of any in history to marry. But why? More than half of the Millennials surveyed by Pew characterize their own cohort as self-absorbed. “Trying to live with somebody else and putting their needs first is more difficult when you have been raised to put yourself first,” says San Diego State University psychologist Jean Twenge.

In this simple statement, we see the heart of the problem. The solution lies in submitting ourselves to God first and learning to serve others first.

Excerpted from Marriage in an iWorld: Restoring God’s Design for Marriage