Lives Changed in Boston

We love celebrating good stories in our churches. These stories represent something much greater than us  — lives changed by the power of Holy Spirit and life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. And at the end of the day, that’s what we’re all about: planting churches that plant churches, so that more people might see and hear the Good News of the gospel. Below is a story about a new church’s baptism service, as told by the lead pastor and Acts 29 member, Matt Chewning.

by Matt Chewning

Last week [at Netcast Church in Boston, MA], we celebrated being 9 months old and we did it by seeing 6 people come to faith in Jesus and baptizing 7 people in front of an attendance of 257 gathered for worship.

We are seeing people put their faith in Jesus every weekend. However, far beyond all of the numerical excitement are the stories of what Jesus isdoing in the lives of the people at Netcast. Our church is living intentionally on mission and the stories we hear throughout the week are amazing.


“We are seeing people put their faith in Jesus every weekend.”


Currently we have 7 Netcast Community Groups up and running and are looking to be in a larger space at the beginning of 2012. Our staff has grown to 3 full-time people who are fundraising their own support, with 3 other volunteer staff members.

One of my close friends, Park Thomas, who I’ve been sharing the gospel with for the past 10 months got saved on September 4th at Netcast. He was baptized this weekend and I would encourage you to take 5 minutes and watch his Baptism Video. This is a glimpse of what is going on here in Greater Boston.

I praise God for this awesome opportunity and how Acts 29 has partnered with us in it.