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Local Church Division Comes to Blows

The Ashville Citizen-Times reported that local police were called to break up a brawl this past Sunday at Greater New Zion Baptist Church in Fletcher, North Carolina. Apparently church members were divided over the dismissal of the pastor, Rev. LeVonia Ray, and the fist-fight began among about 75 members over whether a vote should be taken to reinstate him. Ray has held the position for 38 years, but some congregants have expressed their interest in a new, younger pastor who was more open to modern ideas. Ray, who was not there at the time the brawl broke out, said he “extremely regrets” the event and prays the church will seek healing from God. Ray said he doesn’t think the majority of the church wants a more modern pastor, but “being pastor of a church is not that important to me to see the damages being done.” No word has been given on when the final decision will be made.