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4 Jobs of All Great Leaders

I’ve had the privilege to lead and study leadership for over 3 decades now.  I think I’ve learned a few things along the way with God’s help and people’s patience.  Here are a few observations:

Good managers organize for efficiency.  Good leaders direct for effectiveness. 

Great leaders galvanize and mobilize for breakthrough.  Great leaders take their teams to greater heights than previously thought possible. 

So what does a great leader do to galvanize and mobilize?  I think great leaders have four jobs…

1. Vision Casting

Great leaders cast a vision of the future that is preferable to the present.  Vision Casting is all about seeing the future with a “God’s-eye” view and painting the picture in compelling ways that cause people to risk the security of today for the hope of tomorrow.  Great leaders speak in sentences that sing rather than paragraphs that snore.

2. Creating Environments

Great leaders establish a “greenhouse” for their teams where mission, vision, and values can flourish.  Creating the right environment allows greatness to prosper; the wrong environment kills creativity and destroys dreams.

3. Developing Systems

Great leaders don’t just do “pie in the sky” thinking.  Great leaders deal with “on the ground” realities and create systems for relationships, process, and support mechanisms to further the life and vision of their organizations.  They create a “get ‘er done” urgency and game plan with their teams.

4. Equipping Leaders

Great leaders always multiply value in the lives of others by giving away leadership to others.  Great leaders are not threatened by other leaders but instead are energized by them.  Equipping others means the whole team grows forward towards the future.

How are you doing with your 4 jobs? 

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John is the President of William Jessup University (www.jessup.edu). John has previously served as the co-founder and Executive Director of Thriving Churches International www.thrivingchurches.com, part of the Office of the Senior Pastor at Bayside Church www.baysideonline.com , and the Founding Pastor of LifePoint Church, a groundbreaking church in Northern Nevada. As an Associate Trainer with Equip (the non-profit ministry of Dr. John Maxwell), John has trained pastors, CEO’s and other business leaders, along with meeting with members of Parliament and the Kenyan legal society.