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First Impressions Matter: My VIP Experience at Elevation Church

An Incentive to Get Your Info.

We were also handed information cards and a pen and told that if we would fill those out and return them to a designated spot after the service, they would donate $1 to a local charity as thanks for sharing our information with them. That was pretty cool. Even though I was an out-of-towner, I loved the idea that I could chip in and help a local charity.

Warm Greetings All Around.

As we walked in, the VIP brochure I was holding was a dead giveaway to the volunteers, and each one of them greeted us enthusiastically. But I will add, it wasn’t too much and didn’t seem pushy. (I would note we were in the South; people are just friendlier there.) The volunteer that met us at our car literally walked with us into the auditorium and led us to an usher who directed us to our seat. Unreal.

Great Welcome from the Front.

We all know how awkward those ‘if anyone is new here, please raise your hand’ moments can be in church. At Elevation, they didn’t put any pressure on you to acknowledge your newness, but rather warmly welcomed all of the VIPs of the day and reiterated how we could get connected and where to go after the service to get more information.

I Got a Free T-shirt.

So after the service was over (which was great), I went to the table we were directed to go to with our info cards. Some of the volunteers recognized me and asked what I thought of the service and wanted to know about my experience. I turned in my visitor card, and then they asked me if I wanted a t-shirt. Yes, an Elevation Church t-shirt. That may have been a little over-the-top for me, but it was still cool that for every first-time guest they’d invest as much as they did. Now I can literally say I went there and got a t-shirt.