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10 Ways to Get Fired in Ministry

Millions of people are unemployed. Some have given up looking for work altogether. Many more are underemployed, working shorter hours in a job that may not fit their education, training and experience.

So many of these people who lost their jobs are the victims of a poor economy, a struggling company or both. They are capable and hardworking, and their unemployment is not due to their lack of effort or desire.

Some people, however, lose their jobs due to factors they could control.

I recently polled a number of leaders and asked them to tell me the top reason or reasons people lost jobs in their organizations. I asked them not to include those whose jobs were eliminated due to economic or financial reasons of the company.

I was able to group their responses into 10 categories. Although my poll is not scientifically validated, I think it is nevertheless instructive.

Below are 10 responses, listed in order of frequency, and realizing there is some overlap in the categories.

1. Failure to keep current in their field.

“Rapid change” has almost become cliché. One leader said he had to dismiss some people who were acting like it was still 2007.

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In other words, if you haven’t kept current or updated your skill set in the past five years, you are incredibly behind your coworkers. Other leaders said they expect their employees to reinvent themselves regularly.

2. Poor relational skills.

Those deficiencies include an inability to work well with others, poor self-awareness and a self-centered attitude. I note the latter issue separately below because it was mentioned frequently.

One leader told me he let go of two of his smartest employees because their attitudes were toxic to the organization.