Home Pastors Articles for Pastors 10 Things You’ll NEVER Say

10 Things You’ll NEVER Say

I have said a lot of stupid things in my life. Many of which I’ve said right here on this blog. Things that have gotten me in hot water, cold water and dry with no water.

I’ve been thinking a lot recently about the trajectory of my life, how I’m spending my time and where I want to point. As I’ve thought back over the years, there are things I realize I’ve never said that have significantly shaped who I am. God’s changed me through generosity, community, laughter, my son, my church(es) and my own leadership journey.

Sometimes what’s not said is more important than what is said. And there are things you’ll never say, either.

I’m not a gambling man, but I’d put good money on the line that you’ll never say any of these things. And if you find yourself saying them, stop it.

10 things you’ll never say

1. I wish I hadn’t been so generous.

Nobody regrets being generous. Even when your generosity isn’t well received, isn’t thanked or isn’t noticed, the act of generosity changes you as much as it changes others.

Truth: You’ll never regret generosity.

2. Life would’ve been better if I hadn’t joined that small group.

You will have less “free” time in your life, more heartache, more burdens to bear, more mess to wade through and more people to pray for. Life will be tougher. But you won’t regret joining a small group, because you’ll have people to journey through life with.

Truth: You’ll never regret investing in people’s lives.

3. My best friends? They’re the ones I never laugh with.

Get off the boring train, and start recognizing laughter is a gift from God. You’ll grow more spiritually with a group of people that you enjoy being around than ones you dread meeting with.

Truth: If you don’t enjoy being around you, neither will others.

4. I wish I had spent less time with my kids.

And your kids will never say they wish that you’d spent less time with them, either.

Truth: Time with your kids is not time wasted.

5. I love to drink mediocre coffee.

No, you don’t. Nobody does. Which is why when I have people over to my house, I serve the best stuff I’ve got. Or I go get my hands on the best stuff I can find. All coffee is not created equal.

Truth: One cup of my coffee just might change your life.