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Do You Make These Mistakes Interpreting Scripture?

Greet each other with a holy kiss.

If your eye troubles you — pluck it out.

Women keep their heads covered while praying and prophesying.

Women should be silent in church (if they have to be completely silent in church, why give instruction on how they are to pray and prophesy?).

You should no longer drink water, but drink wine. 

When you pray, pray in secret (yet Jesus prayed publically).

You have no need of someone to teach you (why did God give teachers as a ministry gift to the Body of Christ?).

There are many others scriptures like these that need more understanding. They don’t just stand alone in their interpretation.

Ask these questions in trying to understand scriptures:

1. Does other New Testament teaching on this issue modify or qualify this scripture?

2. Did Jesus teach about this? How does that change our understanding?

3. Is this a scriptural principle taught or proclaimed in the Old Testament and the New Testament?

4. Was this verse part of the law that does not apply to modern believers (ceremonial law) or was it a principle of life (a moral law)?

5. Did the apostles, disciples or believers demonstrate this or teach it in the book of Acts?

6. If we see the example in scripture, is it written as information or expectation?

7. Do the epistles teach us to follow this today?

For a simple example about prayer, consider these questions:

  • What does the Bible teach us about prayer?
  • How did Abraham pray?
  • How did Old Testament leaders pray?
  • What did Jesus teach about prayer?
  • How did the New Testament church pray?
  • How is prayer taught in the epistles?
  • What have you learned about interpreting scripture?

I hope this helps you interpret and understand scripture better so that you can apply it to your life and truly live the BEST life!