Home Pastors Articles for Pastors 10 Most Admired Qualities in Leadership Today

10 Most Admired Qualities in Leadership Today

In my experience, the type of leader who gets followed closest has some distinct characteristics. I think that’s more defined these days than ever before, possibly because we live in the days of information. The leader is known well. It’s hard for a leader to hide true character.

Here, in my opinion, are the most admired qualities in leadership these days:

Servanthood – A willingness to do for others before (and if they never) do for you.

Responsiveness – Accessibility in a timely manner.

Humility – Not thinking too much of oneself.

Honesty – Telling the truth. All the time. Or not telling at all.

Transparency – Being real. Everyday. In every way.

Tenacity – Standing strong through the storms of life.

Visionary – Able to see beyond today.

Trustworthiness – Yes is yes. No is no.

Innovation – Finding new ways to do things. Doing things better than they’ve been previously done.

Compassion – Thinking much of others.

What did I miss?

Which of these are your strengths? In which do you need to improve?