Ron Edmondson

Ron Edmondson is a pastor and church leader passionate about planting churches, helping established churches thrive, and assisting pastors and those in ministry think through leadership, strategy and life. Ron has over 20 years of ministry experience.

How to Measure Discipleship – 12 Indications

Is it really possible to measure discipleship? Granted, it’s still going to be subjective, as is this post, but I believe the Bible gives us clear indications someone has been discipled.

Dealing With Negative People in Church

Dealing with negative people in church has been a huge part of my work. I talk with pastors every week who tell me they have large groups of people who are always negative about something they are doing.

10 Ways to Process the Emotions of Christmas Loss

If we aren’t careful, the joy of Christmas is covered over with the emotions of Christmas loss, and rather than appreciating what we have or looking forward to what’s to come, we find ourselves in Christmas misery.

7 Ways to Stop Gossip

My desire is to see people live in healthy community together. Gossip is a betrayer of this becoming reality. We can stop gossip.

4 Types of Anonymous Critics

Anonymous critics comes with leadership. In my experience, if you aren’t receiving any criticism — you probably aren’t leading.

5 Ways to Overcome Being an Insecure Leader

Being an insecure leader will weigh you down and hold you back as a pastor or leader. It will keep you from doing all you were called to do. Don’t let it!

5 Qualities to Seek in the Heart of a Leader

Someone asked me recently what I primarily look for in the hiring of a staff position. I said, without reservation, first and foremost, I look for the heart of a leader.

7 Ways to Earn and Keep Trust

Building and maintaining trust is critical to good leadership. Thankfully, there are ways to earn and keep trust as a leader.

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