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Sometimes Intentional Neglect Is the Right Step

We have to know our focus.

I heard a term the other day that has had my gears turning:

“intentional neglect.”

It wasn’t used in a church context, but I think it certainly has application right now, especially for the church I lead.

As a church, we are retooling almost everything. In doing so, we have narrowed almost everything we do into the BIG three right now …

Sunday morning experience


Small groups

In narrowing our focus, it literally means we have to intentionally neglect some other areas. It doesn’t mean those others areas of ministry aren’t important … No!

It just means that right now we have identified our W.I.N.s (What’s Important Now). We’ve identified those areas that need our attention, energy and resources right now.

This is the real reality of planting or growing a church.

You can’t do everything well; you have to know your focus and “intentionally neglect” other areas until your WINs meet the goals established.

Are you intentionally neglecting something right now?

If so, don’t feel bad. Concentrate on the WINs.