Home Pastors Articles for Pastors What Hills Should Leaders Die On?

What Hills Should Leaders Die On?

For example, not caring about:

… people knowing and embracing the vision, values, mission and doctrine of the church

(these are kind of the big four).

… the continued presence and practice of contentious, divisive behavior in the church

(if you haven’t learned to confront this at once, you haven’t learned much).

… whether you’re reaching the unchurched

(it’s called the Great Commission—translation: It’s why you exist).

… the poorest of the poor and those suffering injustice in the world

(it’s what separates the sheep from the goats).

There’s an old line about “majoring on the majors,” because the temptation is to major on the minors. For most leaders, this means how they spend their time, or choosing what to take a stand for. But somehow, the wind seems to have gone out of our sails on this one. So let’s up it a notch: The real issue behind what to major on is what you should care about, and what you should care about is simple.

What hills do you need to be willing to die on?