Home Pastors Articles for Pastors You Can Believe the Promises of God and Be Lost

You Can Believe the Promises of God and Be Lost

Implications for How Sin Is Overcome

This reality has a huge implication. It means that it is not just the security of the promises that frees us from motives to sin; it is also the heart’s enjoyment of the sweetness of God in the promises. When we perceive and enjoy the spiritual beauty of what is promised, not only are we freed from the insecurity of greed and fear that motivate so much sin, but we are also shaped in our values by what we cherish in the promise (1 John 3:3).

This influence is what the professing Christians of Matthew 7:22 did not have and why their behavior was so out of sync with God. They loved power, and they loved it that God gave them power. But they did not love God.

Another way to say it would be that in all the acts of saving faith, the Holy Spirit enables us not only to perceive and affirm factual truth, but also to apprehend and embrace spiritual beauty. It is the “embracing of spiritual beauty” that is the essential core of saving faith. And this embrace is what will shape our lives most deeply and receive the “well done” at the Last Day.