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The Pastor’s Third Rail

As of January 18, 2014, just over a month since the lifestyle change began, Palmer has lost 23 pounds. He is more than a quarter away to his goal of losing 85 pounds. His weight loss has caused him to feel more energetic, he has been off of his acid reflux medication and his congregation has noticed. They are excited and encouraging him in this change.

When asked why it was important for pastors to be concerned about their own physical health, Palmer said, “The biggest thing as a pastor is the commitment I show to personal discipline. Right or wrong, I think people look at their pastor and make a correlation between his physical health and his spiritual health. If I’m undisciplined in the physical arena, where else might we be undisciplined also? From a biblical standpoint, Paul wrote to Timothy about the value of physical fitness. He said spiritual fitness was more important, but he didn’t at all discount the physical. He gave it value—we should too.”

What many do not think of is how ones physical health has a direct impact on spiritual vitality. When asked how implementing an exercise and nutrition routine impacted his spiritual health, Palmer shared, “A routine like this has made my life much more focused and directed. The discipline it takes to work the plan I’m on is an all day thing. From wake up to work out to meal planning to bedtime, I’m constantly working the plan. Practically, it’s allowed me to get into the Word earlier in the day. It’s enlivened my prayer life too. Personally, it’s just had a positive impact on my level of energy and focus, and that has been beneficial in a multiplicity of ministry areas.”

He added, “When you feel good and feel energized, you have more to give and offer of yourself to others.”

The hardest step of any new habit, let alone a lifestyle change, is the first.

To help others get started in a healthier direction, Palmer shares this one bit of encouragement from his own story:

“Get help and get started! I’ve wrestled with my weight for years and have gone up and down depending on my level of motivation. I’m working with a trainer/coach now. The daily accountability, encouragement and tips have helped push me through those motivation walls. So finding someone with some expertise in nutrition and exercise that can give you a solid plan and then encourage you daily is key. It may cost a bit to get started, but the cost of a trainer and a gym membership for a year is a lot less than blood pressure and diabetes meds.”

Pastors, our physical health has a direct impact on life and ministry. It is past time to take it seriously. Get started, and together we can change statistics of the third rail of ministry.  

[1] Scott Stoll, M.D. Fox News, “Fat in church”, accessed January 23, 2015, http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2012/06/03/obesity-epidemic-in-america-churches/.

[2] Food Research and Action Center, accessed January 23, 2015. http://frac.org/initiatives/hunger-and-obesity/obesity-in-the-us/.