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Perhaps We Need to Relearn the Story of Jesus From the Ground Up?

Our image is being restored.

God’s kingdom came not in power, but weakness.
God’s kingdom came not through violence, but peace.
God’s kingdom came not through victory over enemies, but through the death of the King for His enemies.
Enemy-love dominated Jesus’ kingdom. The cross was God’s love on display.

King Jesus died.

King Jesus descended—for now.

King Jesus rose again!

He appeared to many.

King Jesus ascended—for now.

Our image is being restored.

The new creation has begun.
New creation was promised for the whole creation.
God’s kingdom had come—God’s kingdom was coming.

The church was born—filling up with Jesus-followers.
The Holy Spirit was given to these followers to enable them to bear witness to the King and His kingdom.
The Holy Spirit demonstrated that the kingdom had come in word and deed—through them.
Signs of the kingdom were everywhere—the cosmic restoration plan was alive and well.

Our image is being restored.

People began to embrace the King and His kingdom.
Kingdom people were beginning to crop up everywhere—even amongst the Gentiles.
God’s kingdom was expanding.
The Spirit of King Jesus was moving.
Kingdom people were everywhere.
Signs of the kingdom were everywhere.

Our image is being restored.

The promised renewed creation is already bursting at the seams.
The promise is being seen even now in these kingdom people.
The Spirit of the King is moving—pointing people to the King and the promise of a renewed Kingdom world—God’s good world.

We wait. We work. We wait.

The King will one day return to judge both the living and the dead.
The King will put the world to rights. Love, justice and peace will reign in His kingdom.

The King has returned!

The renewed heavens and earth are here—to stay.
The Enemy is destroyed—forever.

Love has won!

Our image is restored!

Long live the King!