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Learning is Based on Interest

Learning is based on interest. In normal life experiences we learn best that in which we are interested. Which would a fifteenyear-old boy learn best: to drive a car or to wash dishes? Certainly, he would learn to drive a car. Why? He is far more interested in learning to drive a car. When we analyze this rather simple illustration more closely, the factor of interest becomes even more significant. In spite of the groans that accompany the chores of dish washing, learning to drive an automobile is far more difficult than learning to wash dishes. It demands far more concentration. It puts a great deal more pressure on the learner. There is much more likelihood of failure in learning to parallel park. But the fifteen-year-old boy gives himself with vigor to the task of learning to drive. Why?

His desire to drive is so strong it makes him willing to pay whatever price is necessary for success. Are adolescents (or adults) afraid of hard work? Not necessarily. They will work hard at difficult tasks if their interest is strong enough to make the work worthwhile.

What does this say to those who teach Sunday School? If this is the way God has made us, if this is the way we learn, then we must recognize and observe this principle in our teaching. It means that the question, “How can I arouse the interest of my class in this study?” is just as important as the question, “What am I going to teach them in this study?” Unfortunately, many of our teachers have been concerned only with the second question. They have spent long hours in study preparing what to teach, but they have given little or no consideration to the task of arousing the curiosity and stimulating the interest of the group in that particular study. Of course, what we teach is basic and fundamental; we must teach them the truth of God’s Word. But often we merely expose people to the Bible truth, and the exposure does not take. Will our class members actually learn what we teach? That is determined, at least in part, by how interested they are in the study.

Edge, Findley B. (1999-01-01). Teaching for Results (p. 25). B&H Academic. Kindle Edition.