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2 Lessons to Help You Grow in Wisdom

In a recent post, I said that wisdom is a Leader’s #1 prayer as illustrated by Solomon’s response to God’s question, “What can I give you?” Job 32 gives a bit more insight on wisdom. This passage actually shows us the source of wisdom and a common misperception about wisdom. After listening patiently to Job and his three friends, Young Elihu, frustrated by their responses, concluded two things:

  • God’s Spirit is the Source of Wisdom – No matter how smart man might be or how logical his thinking might sound, true wisdom comes from the Spirit of God. He is the source of wisdom. Elihu said it like this: “…it’s God’s Spirit in a person, the breath of the Almighty One, that makes wise human insight possible.”
  • Old Age Does Not Guarantee Wisdom – This is an all too common misperception. Wisdom is not the automatic by-product of old age. Age often comes alone. Elihu observed, “The experts have no corner on wisdom; getting old doesn’t guarantee good sense.”
Elihu’s observations provide two important lessons if you want to grow in wisdom. First, reliance on God’s Spirit makes wisdom possible. Second, wisdom requires a lifelong learning posture. Interestingly, at the heart of both lessons is humility. How so? The first lesson reminds us that wisdom comes from outside of ourselves. And the second lesson reminds us that we don’t know it all…and never will.
Question: What other lessons have you gleaned to help you grow in wisdom?