What on Earth Am I Here For?

Number 1: Planned for God’s Pleasure

The first purpose of your life is this: You were planned for God’s pleasure. I think the two words that best describe the Christian life are “love affair.” God wants you to know him and love him. Everything else is secondary to that. He wants you to know him, and he wants you to love him.

There is a word for expressing love to God: WORSHIP. Worship is expressing your love to God. And worship is living a life pleasing to God.

You know, there is a big myth today in most of Christianity. Today the word “worship” in most people’s mind is a synonym for music. We say things like, “Well, I liked the message, but I really liked the worship.” As if the message wasn’t worship.

Worship is more than music. Worship is everything you do that brings pleasure to God. Your whole life is to be a life of worship.

Number 2: Formed for God’s Family

Just as worship brings God pleasure because he wants us to love him, fellowship with other believers brings God pleasure because we’re formed for God’s family.

One of the most misunderstood ideas about the Christian life is that it’s just a matter of believing. But God says, “No, you’re not just ‘believers’; you’re ‘belongers.’” You belong in the family of God.

Did you know that the words “one another” are used 58 times in the New Testament? Love one another, care for one another, pray for one another, exhort one another, encourage one another, greet one another, and on and on and on. God wants you to care for other people. That’s called fellowship. Enjoying God’s family is called fellowship, and that’s the second purpose for your life.

Number 3: Created to Be Like Christ

You were planned for God’s pleasure; that’s called worship. And you were formed for a family; that’s called fellowship. Here’s the third reason God made you: You were created to be like Christ. That’s called discipleship. God made you to transform you into a likeness of his son, Jesus Christ.

God is far more interested in what you are than in what you do. He’s far more interested in your being than in your doing. A lot of people ask, “What is God’s will for my life in my job or my career?” You know what? You could probably have a dozen different careers, and God would say, “That’s fine.” God is more interested in your character, and I’ll tell you why: You’re not taking your career into eternity, but you are taking your character.

There is no problem you can’t grow from if you’ll learn the right response. You become like Jesus. This is God’s third purpose for your life. Becoming like Christ is called discipleship.

Number 4: Shaped for Service

The fourth purpose God created you for is this: You were shaped for service. God made you to serve him. You’re planned for God’s pleasure; that’s worship. You’re formed for a family; that’s fellowship. You’re created to be like Christ; that’s discipleship. And you’re shaped for service; that’s called ministry.

Every Christian is created to serve—called to ministry, created for ministry, saved for ministry and gifted for ministry. The Bible makes it very clear that every Christian is a minister. Not every Christian is a pastor, but every Christian is a minister because to be Christ-like is to be a minister. You can’t be like Jesus Christ without serving others.