7 Days of Praying the Psalms – Start Here

praying the psalms
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Lex Orandi, Lex Credendi, Lex Vivendi—the way we pray, shapes the way we believe, shapes the way we live and love and become whole. Jesus, followers of Jesus, and before that, God’s covenant people, have been praying the Psalms — cumulatively, for thousands of years. The Psalms get at the heart of prayer, and are a true school of prayer to those who will enter and make these prayers their own.

The following provides a 7 day experience of praying with 7 psalms, 1 per day, for an entire week. I would encourage you to listen to the first on a Sunday, and to conclude on the following Saturday.

Praying the Psalms


> Listen to the audio here.

[Prayers drawn from Psalm 8 (NIV) and Sheltering Mercy: Prayers Inspired by the Psalms, p. 29]


DAY 2 | PSALM 24

> Listen to the audio here.

[Prayers drawn from Psalm 24 (NIV) and Sheltering Mercy, Prayers Inspired by the Psalms, p. 71]


DAY 3 | PSALM 42

> Listen to the audio here.

[Prayers drawn from Psalm 42 (NIV) and Sheltering Mercy, Prayers Inspired by the Psalms, p. 131]

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Dan Wilthttp://danwilt.com
Dan Wilt, M.Min. is an artist, author, musician, educator, songwriter, communicator, and spiritual life writer. With 20+ years in the Vineyard family of churches, he serves in various ways to further a “New Creation” centered vision of the Christian life through media.

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