7 Ways To Create a Powerful Worship Set List

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One of a worship leader’s most fundamental jobs is picking the right songs for Sunday. Not only that, but putting the songs in the right order. Sometimes you can just feel which songs you should do. But this usually comes with years of leading. So how do you pick a great worship set list whether you’re a seasoned worship leader or just starting out?

7 Tips For a Great Worship Set List:


Often there will be one song that I really feel is right for the upcoming Sunday. Maybe it matches the sermon theme. Maybe God gave you an impression during a prayer or personal worship time.

When this happens, it’s a nice headstart on your list. You can build the rest of the set around this song.

For instance, you feel that Hillsong United’s “The Stand” is THE song for this Sunday. You could put it in the middle to end of the slower part of the set. You come off some fast songs into maybe one slower one, do “The Stand,” then end on a mid tempo song.

Sample worship set list based on a song

“Running” – Hillsong United
“This Is Amazing Grace” – Phil Wickham
“Word of God Speak” – Mercy Me
Featured song –>”The Stand” – Hillsong United
“Like a Lion” – David Crowder


Our church plans sermon topics out at least a few weeks. This helps worship leaders because we can log into a service planner such as Planning Center and peek at what the sermon is going to be about this coming Sunday.

Sure, you could call the pastor, but a lot of volunteer worship leaders like you and me do our sets at 10 p.m.! So that doesn’t always work.

At any rate, get access to your pastor’s sermon plans for the coming weeks and months. It’s a big help.

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Tim Lucashttps://worshipdeeper.com/
My name is Tim Lucas and I lead worship at a smallish church called Redmond Assembly of God in Redmond, Washington. I’ve been leading worship for over 20 years around the Pacific Northwest, USA.

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