6. Easter Ideas for Kids Church: Treasure New Life
On Easter morning, we celebrate the heart of our Christian faith. Jesus defeated death to save the world. It’s a day to rejoice: He is risen!
Kids will enjoy this new way to decorate eggs. They’re a symbol of the new life we have in Jesus. Plus, they remind us to treasure the Good News of Easter.
You’ll need:
- Hard-boiled eggs,
- glitter glue, and
- paper towel tubes
Beforehand, cut ½-inch paper towel circulars to place painted eggs on for drying. Then have kids use glitter glue to create sparkly jewel designs on their eggs. Point out to kids that Easter eggs remind us of the new life we have because of Jesus’ resurrection. Painting jewels on the eggs is a reminder that Jesus’ gift of new life is something we can always treasure.
7. Easter Ideas for Kids Church: Raised Up
Young children will delight in remembering that Jesus didn’t stay in the tomb. Instead, he rose on Easter so we could live with him forever!
You’ll need:
- Helium balloons with ribbons attached (one for every child) and
- a large brown blanket or tarp
Beforehand, place helium-filled balloons under a large “tomb” formed by a brown blanket or tarp. Gather children around the tomb. Then talk about how after Jesus died on the cross, he was buried in a cave. Next, the guards covered it with a large rock.
Remind children that on Easter morning, Jesus’ friends discovered that he was alive! Then release the blanket so the balloons float to the ceiling. Remind children that just as the balloons rose from the “tomb,” Jesus rose from the grave. Now we can live with Jesus in heaven forever.
As kids leave, give them a balloon to take home to remind them of the Easter message.
Looking for even more great ideas for Easter? Check out all these Easter posts.
These Easter ideas for kids church originally appeared here.