Home Children's Ministry Leaders Articles for Children's Ministry Leaders 3 Characteristics of Highly Effective Kidmin Leaders

3 Characteristics of Highly Effective Kidmin Leaders

What does a highly effective children’s ministry leader look like? In my experience, and in my observation through interaction with thousands of leaders, here’s what I’ve learned:

1. They Love God

“Duh!” you might say, right? Of course, I would say ministry leaders love God. But not all ministry leaders allow their ministry to flow from their love for God rather than the other way around. Sometimes we believe we love God because we hold a ministry position in the church, whereas it should be we hold the position because we love God.

Ministry leaders who love God exhibit this by:

  • Consistently being in His Word.
  • Having active and ongoing conversations with God (prayer).
  • Worshiping as part of their daily lifestyle, not just as an event they attend (or don’t attend, as is the case with far too many children’s ministry leaders).

2. They Lead Well

You’ve heard it before and you’ll hear it again here on KidMin360:

“Everything rises and falls on leadership.” John Maxwell

That is as true in children’s ministry as in any other area.

Children’s ministry leaders who lead well:

  • Are continually increasing in competence. What’s your daily plan for growth?
  • Collaborate with others to accomplish the vision of the church. How’s your collaboration level with other ministries?
  • Connect themselves through relationships. “Ministry happens best through relationships, period.” Are you pursuing relationships with kids, parents, volunteers, staff and community?

3. They Let Others

Ephesians 4:12 is our job description as church leaders:

“Their responsibility is to equip God’s people to do his work and build up the church, the body of Christ.”

We “let others” by fulfilling the directive in this verse. This means we give away the ministry by:

  • Inviting others to a clear and compelling vision that aligns with their giftedness.
  • Equipping our team to do the tasks of ministry for that role to which they’ve committed.
  • Developing leaders (different than equipping), which is the key to scalable and sustainable growth.

Every truly successful children’s ministry leader I’ve ever met exhibits these characteristics. Yes, we all struggle with one are or another during seasons in our ministry. But until we truly grasp and apply these three key elements in leading children’s ministry effectively, we will never see our ministries rise to the level that is possible.