Energy Management

Have you ever thought about the difference between time management and energy management? Carey Nieuwhof of Connexus Community Church has, and we’d like to share his thoughts with you. Following is one of Carey’s blogs that appeared in May. It’s a relevant topic at any time or season of life!


Time management is one thing.

But we all know people who put in lots of hours and get few results.  In fact, sometimes we are those people.  A twelve hour day can produce less when I’m dragging than a six hour day might when I have energy and enthusiasm for a task. In fact, I’m coming off a season where I’ve invested a lot of time in a way that’s challenged my energy. That’s hardly optimal.  I’ve heard a few leaders speak on bringing your energy to a task and it’s really got me thinking. (MORE)

Carey is the lead and founding pastor of Connexus Community Church and has been serving in ministry since 1995. He is the primary communicator on Sunday mornings, and one of his key passions is to see people’s lives changed as they encounter Christ. He and his wife, Toni, live north of Barrie with their two sons. You’ll hear Carey say that his family outshines him in skiing, mountain biking, hiking, water skiing and more, but he does everything he can to keep up with them! Carey might also be one of the funniest people we know.