Is Your Heart Ready to Help?

But how does Jesus offer real help today? That is answered by Paul’s passionate words in 2 Corinthians 5:20 where he labels us “Christ’s ambassadors” (NIV). With those simple words, the church was commissioned to take Jesus’ mercy and help to those who need it most. We are the ambassadors charged with presenting the refugees of the world with a Savior who has walked in their shoes and is ready to offer them mercy and help.

But is your heart ready to help? Patrick Johnstone, founder of Operation World, says it so well, “When people face difficult new challenges, we don’t always respond in the best way right away. We often let fear overcome love.” Does that describe your experience?

If so, I believe three simple words can transform your ability to provide real help:

Facts: Even though you haven’t experienced their situation, you can become familiar with what refugees are going through and the realities of their situations. Imagine over 60 million refugees on the move today. While many are traveling internationally, over 38 million are displaced within their country. And half of all refugees actually live in urban settings—not the dusty camps you see on TV. These are just a few of the facts that God can use to help you empathize.

Fear: If you listen carefully to what people are saying, it doesn’t take long to hear them express fear and anger about “them.” You may have that same fear. If so, be honest, but then remind yourself that you, like most people, should see yourself as the child of immigrants who moved to create a better life. The immigrants aren’t them. They’re us, perhaps a generation or two removed. Recognize that the fear is one based on a lack of faith in the God who promises to provide for all our needs as we are on mission as His ambassadors. Then release the fear and grab hold of faith!

Faith: Armed with the facts and having conquered your fears, God generously provides you with the faith necessary to boldly embrace the refugee. Now you are positioned to “download” the empathy Christ gained as a Middle Eastern refugee and represent Him as an ambassador. You can now reach out with compassion and courage to proclaim to them, “Take the mercy, accept the help.”

If you are ready to reach out, Patrick Johnstone and author Dean Merrill’s new resource Facts, Fears and Faith in a Migrant Crisis will help prepare your heart to proclaim the love of Christ to the refugee.