Home Pastors Articles for Pastors Why Your Church Fights Change (and 5 Ways to Fight Back)

Why Your Church Fights Change (and 5 Ways to Fight Back)

Here are a few suggestions.

1. Pray—for clarity, guidance, and courage.

Ask God how you might get in step with his desire to change hearts and move his people forward.

2. When facing necessary change, focus not on what may be lost but on what will be gained.

As a change agent, paint a positive picture of the new day and the benefits it will bring.

3. Inspire allies.

Talk individually with influential people who will join you in seeing and supporting the new vision.

4. Help your people swallow big changes a bite at a time.

Sometimes, a gradual approach helps change-averse people adjust and digest.

5. Have faith. Like a child.

“Unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.”