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Discover This Proven Principle for Growing Your Church

4. What are the specific goals of the group?

5. Who will lead the group?

6. Will training be necessary for the leader? If so, how will it occur?

7. How will we  publicize the group and attract visitors?

8. When and where will the group meet?

9. What support will the group and leader need to assure success?

10. How will this group contribute to the purpose of our church?

New what else?

The principle of starting new units is like pixie-dust.

New groups? It works!

New classes? It works! 

New services? It works! 

New churches? It works!

Here’s one more mind-stretcher. If you are in a church of 50-75 or more in average worship attendance, consider the possibility of starting a new site! “Multisite” is a rather new idea on the American church landscape, but simply refers to one church meeting in multiple locations. It’s another application of our “new units = new growth” principle.

The multisite idea has traditionally been a strategy of larger churches (1000+). But I would urge readers to consider the idea of adding a new site … even if you have just 50 people in your present worship service. I was recently invited by Warren Bird of Leadership Network to chat on this topic. Here’s a link to their eight-minute video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FL7zqOOsN8A&feature=youtu.be 

For more helpful tips on effective small groups, see Chapter 5 in the new book What Every Pastor Should Know.