Home Pastors Articles for Pastors 13 Habits That Torch Pastors With Burnout Like You Every Day

13 Habits That Torch Pastors With Burnout Like You Every Day

12. The pastor was not a continuous learner.

Pastors who fail to learn continuously are not nearly as energized as those who do. Again, this disposition can lead to burnout.

13. The pastor was not paid fairly.

Financial stress can lead to burnout quickly. I will address this issue again in my next post.

Many pastors leaving ministry are doing so because they have experienced burnout. Many others are just on the edge of burnout. Pastors need our continuous support and prayers. And they themselves need to avoid the 13 issues noted here.

Please let me know what you think of these factors. And feel free to add your comments and questions to this conversation about pastor burnout.

This article originally appeared here.