Home Pastors Articles for Pastors 5 Things NOT to Do in Times of Crisis

5 Things NOT to Do in Times of Crisis

Refuse Help. I have learned by experience—sometimes when God is allowing a crisis to occur, He is also stirring people to intercede on behalf of the suffering. It’s amazing how it happens. He may have prepared someone else, through their own season of crisis, intentionally so they can help others—people like you. Don’t deny someone their opportunity to be obedient to what God calls them to do, even if it means swallowing your pride, raising the white flag of surrender and letting them help.

Deny God. People (including pastors and leaders) either run toward God or away from God in times of crisis. You can probably figure out which option works best. This is a time to pray like never before and learn to fully rely on God. He’s never taken off guard or by surprise. He always has a plan. It’s always good. Lean into Him.

In my next post I’ll share five things TO DO in times of crisis.