Home Pastors Articles for Pastors 12 Phrases That Might Burn Down Your Church

12 Phrases That Might Burn Down Your Church

7. “I’ll just stop singing.”

This one amazes me, frankly. It’s a response from folks who don’t like the music—and it’s evidence they think worship is more about them than about God.

8. “Where’s my constitution and by-laws?”

The only people who ask this question are those who are trying to prove a point. Even when their point is valid, their approach is often contentious.

9. “You can’t tell me what to believe.”

This statement is true in some sense, but the church has a right to—and, in fact, must—expect members to stand on the Word of God. Forming Christian doctrine is not intended to be an individual sport.

10. “Pastor, I’m not prejudiced, but …”

The disclaimer itself betrays the reality: Somebody in the church doesn’t like the church reaching others who look different. That’s sin, and it might burn down your church.

11. “We’ve never done it that way.”

This statement is usually more than an assessment; it’s a challenge to a new approach.

12. “God told me.”

I do believe God speaks to us through His Word, His Spirit and His people, but this phrase might burn down your church these three words precede some wrongly focused personal agenda. It’s dangerous (And wrong!) to use God that way.