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How to Be a Puritan Husband

Our Desperate Need

Today we are surrounded by multitudes of wimps, and then, just to make things interesting, we have occasional reactionary chest-thumping bluster. May God once again raise up a generation of Puritan men who will be husbands. And when he does, their children will have a father, and they will know what they are supposed to mean whenever they come to pray the Lord’s Prayer—“our Father.” And once again, we will see the goodly work of Elijah, and John the Baptist, and every biblical preacher of real grace and deep goodness. That gospel message will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the hearts of the children to the fathers.

Which is why we, who are the children, should have our hearts turned to the Puritans, who are our fathers. They have something to teach us, something we desperately need.