Home Worship & Creative Leaders Articles for Worship & Creative 12 Things to Avoid for Better Congregational Singing

12 Things to Avoid for Better Congregational Singing

9. Avoid having the band playing all the time

Learn when the band and individual instruments should play and not play. Learn to build a musical arrangement and where to have the band or an instrument sit out a section. Some of the most powerful singing is when the band doesn’t play at all. Creating musical layers gives more musical interest and space for congregational singing.

10. Avoid having miscues with lyrics

Put your best media operators on the computer running your lyrics. Double-check the order of your lyrics and the spelling. Have a full run-through with your lyric operator to double-check for mistakes. Slow and mis-timed or misspelled lyrics can really inhibit a congregation from singing with all their heart.

11. Avoid using only new songs

I love to learn and use all the great new songs that God is giving to the church. But I have learned that congregations still love to sing the best of the great hymns and older choruses. Learn to include some classics to help all the generations sing with all their heart.

12. Avoid worship leading without proper prayer and preparation

Time spent in private reading of the Word, time spent praying and time spent worshiping are all secrets to effective worship leading. Learn to develop a daily time with God and teach your worship team to do the same. God will honor you in public when you honor Him in the secret place. When the congregation senses God in the house, they will be more engaged.

Check out my book, Leading Worship ~ Notes from a Grand Adventure, available in Kindle or Soft Cover Editions. This is a great gift for the musician or worshipper in your life.


This article on congregational singing originally appeared here.