
Guest Post by David Farwell

In the world of student ministry, there is a delicate balance that youth pastors, volunteers, and parents encounter every day.  It is our words.  Let’s recognize something together:

It is challenging to not fall into the trap of sarcasm, hurtful joking, and borderline slander.

Before you dismiss yourself from the above statement, take some time to consider the last few interactions you had with your students or children.

Did you:

  1. Say something mean about a student in the form of a joke?
  2. Complain about a student in a passive-aggressive manner?
  3. Point out a flaw publicly (this includes Facebook or Twitter)?
  4. Agree with another student’s criticism of another student (this includes not coming to the defense of the criticized student)?
  5. NOT encourage or build up a student who obviously needed it?

While certainly not exhaustive, you and I can see how these examples would damage the heart and spirit of an adolescent, and most of us can identify that we have taken part in one of those examples recently.

Consider these words from the book of Proverbs…

“The words of the reckless pierce like swords,?but the tongue of the wise brings healing.”        Proverbs 12:18 (NIV)

May I propose an idea? Here is a saying I would challenge each of you to place somewhere you will see often.  Here it is…

Let’s adopt a truth that has gone out of sight in the rearview mirror. Let our students walk away knowing we love them and believe in them, with heads held high.  May we never be the reason a student feels anything less than the love and grace of Jesus.  Go and breathe strength into your students today…you will never regret it!

David Farwell is the High School Pastor at Living Word Community Church in York, Pennsylvania. He blogs at www.davidfarwell.com and you can connect with him on Facebook or Twitter.