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5 More Creative Ways to Pray for Students

Praying for your students is the most important thing you can do. But it’s not always easy to keep your prayers fresh. A while ago I shared 5 creative ways to pray for students and today I want to share 5 more ideas to keep your prayers for your students fresh and inspired.

Pray using Twitter

If your students are on Twitter, this is an excellent way of praying for them. You can say a quick prayer for a student every time you read an update. Another tip is to ‘favorite’ tweets that have actual prayer requests or that trigger you to pray. I use this feature to pray for other youth leaders who share prayer requests as well.

Pray using a prayer bracelet

If you easily forget to pray for your students or if you want to remind yourself to pray for your students more, you can use a prayer bracelet. This sounds fancy, but it can be as simple as choosing as many strings of wool as you have students you want to pray for, and weave them into a bracelet. Or wear a different color each day and pray for that specific student every time you see your bracelet.

Pray using a letter

It usually means a lot for students to know you are praying for them. Why not write them a letter and in that letter write out a prayer for them? It will be a wonderful encouragement to them and it may even be a good example of how you experience your relationship with God.

Pray using a notice board

Dedicate a specific notice board as a sort of praying wall for your students. Put up pictures of them and anything else that will trigger you to pray for them. Think of newspaper articles, events, other pictures, print outs of their Facebook updates When you want to pray for your students, just stand in front of your notice board and pray for what you see.

Pray using God’s Word

Spend some time finding a specific verse that you can use to pray for each of your students. What situation are they in, where are they in their spiritual journey and what do they need to see, believe or do right now? Try and find a verse that speaks to where they are right now. Pray this verse for them every day until you see change. You can even write down the verse for them (for instance on a nice card), give it to them and tell them you’re praying that for them.

What other creative ways do you use to pray for your students? Please share some in the comments!