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Why Do We Do Student Ministry?

II Timothy 3:1-9: In these verses we notice that the Apostle Paul is writing to young Timothy. He is writing on the subject of the apostasy. The word, apostasy simply means “standing apart of original position.” That is exactly where we are at right now! We are living in the last days! The Bible here calls these last days, perilous. The word, “perilous” means “dangerous; or hard to live with.” We notice that the Bible lists many different characteristics of the last days here in this passage. We notice that these wicked things that the Bible lists, is creeping into our homes today! Our homes are ruining. We have more single parents now than ever before. We are seeing divorced couples growing throughout Christian homes. The sad thing is that it is getting worse.

The next generation of people is becoming more worldly as the days go on. Some young people have absolute no concept of God, or even moral values for that matter! They have never been taught the name of Jesus in their homes. They have never been taken to church to hear the Word of God speak. They have never been taught Biblical principles for living and Godly values to live by. No, they have been taught how to lie, cheat and get by easier, been taught to drink, and be disrespectful to anyone that rubs them the wrong way. You know, I heard a story recently that a parent was throwing her daughter a party. Nothing special, just a regular party for all of her friends’ in high school, and the mom bought all of the teenager’s beer for the party! This is the sad state that we live in.

I have never felt so burdened by God as to work in the youth department as I am right now. These teenagers are the next generation!  I am not pushing a “program” at all! I am pushing a student ministry! There is a difference between the two. A program is always seeking to make the teens feel good, and make sure that they are having a good time. In many cases, they have to bring “new” things in to satisfy the flesh. This is not what I am pushing for. I am pushing for a vibrant student ministry to where we have a group of young people excited about what the Lord is doing in their lives.

Children are extremely important to God, and they must be important to us! In the remainder of time, I am going to discuss why we do student ministry through the Word of God!

64% of born again believers trusted Christ before the age of 18. They are way more sensitive to the things of the Lord when they are young. We must reach the students of today!

The reason we do what we do is to reinforce 3 things!

A Relationship with Jesus

Spiritual Maturity

The priority of Parenting

Reaching our community with the Gospel

Is your church reinforcing these three things in your student’s lives?

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Josh Evans is the family pastor of the Oakleaf campus of Trinity Baptist Church in Jacksonville, FL. He has served in this position since June of 2014. Before that, Josh had been a mentor and pastor to students since 2006. Josh is passionate about seeing life change in families and teaching them the truths of the Word of God. Josh is a blogger, speaker, family pastor, and die-hard Duke Blue Devils fan! Josh and his wife Abby were married in February of 2008, and those years have been the happiest years of his life. Josh and Abby have two kids. Lynlee and Cameron. Josh and his family live in the Jacksonville, FL area. You can connect further with Josh on this blog or send him a direct email at joshhevans@gmail.com.