Geoff Surratt

Geoff has served on the leadership teams at Seacoast Church and Saddleback Church, and as Managing Director of Exponential. He is the author of several books, including Together: A Guide for Couples in Ministry written with his wife Sherry. Along with writing, Geoff coaches churches and leaders around the U.S. and in Europe. Geoff lives in Denver, Colorado. Twitter: @geoffsurratt

3 Not-So-Obvious Reasons Church Visitors Don’t Return to Your Church

Maybe it's not the music or the preaching that that's the reason visitors don't return to your church.

Why People Doubt Your Leadership

It is a challenge to be a confident leader when the people you lead doubt your leadership, your ability, your vision, or your heart.

2 Reasons You Can’t Find Volunteers

Working with ministries around the world the one question we hear more than any other is, “How do you find volunteers?”

The Surprising Truth About Doubting

Jesus walked out of a sealed tomb and joined them for lunch. And in spite of all the disciples had experienced some of them doubted. How is such doubting possible?

How Long Can You Succeed in Ministry Without God?

Certainly God is welcome at your church, but is he really necessary? It's not all that hard to build a ministry without God. What a terrifying place to be.

Does Your Mission Statement Suck?

Why do you do what you do? Here's why your church needs a mission statement that is compelling, memorable, and actionable.

10 Commandments for Great Small Group Discussions

Small group discussions are an important vehicle for spiritual growth. Here are 10 rules to live by if you are a small group discussion facilitator.

Four Opportunity Killing Mistakes Young (and Old) Leaders Make

It is that lack of experience, however, that often trips up young leaders. I see them making the same mistakes, easily correctible mistakes, over and over again.

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