Jason TIlley
Jason Tilley founded Ministry Accelerator to equip church and non-profit leaders to navigate cultural complexity and experience fruitful ministry. Over the last 20 years, Jason served in multiple creative ministry roles from drama and video production, to children’s ministry and curricula, to innovation and digital design.
Articles for Children's Ministry Leaders
Use This 1 Tool to Visualize Your Ministry Plans
When you are planning a ministry endeavor, whether it is a worship service, a community block party or a children’s event, it can be hard to envision every aspect of what will happen. Discover more about this tool to visualize your ministry plans.
Articles for Children's Ministry Leaders
When Discipling Children Remember the 3 “Be’s”
You have the potential to influence the next generation to follow Christ, and while it is not all on us to do (thank God), you do bear some responsibility.
Articles for Children's Ministry Leaders
4 Keys to Unlocking Your Creativity
Creativity is especially valuable to ministry. A novel, gospel-centered solution to a problem points others to Jesus. Using our creativity to better love our fellow man glorifies God.
Articles for Children's Ministry Leaders
Child Safety … 3 Rules for Your Children’s Ministry
No matter how many policies you put in place, if they are confusing, riddled with exceptions and too easy to forget, a moment will come when your defenses are down. So, to keep your children safe, boil your strategy down to these words: Sticky, Simple and Consistent.
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